• Image of Mergoat Mag Vol. 2 N°1: A Horde, A Heap, A Pile…
  • Image of Mergoat Mag Vol. 2 N°1: A Horde, A Heap, A Pile…

Released:May 1, 2024

Featuring written work by Sasha Tycko.

Some guiding questions we seek to explore in this issue are:
1. How do invasive species relate to colonization, industrial capitalism, globalization, and climate change?
2. How can we visualize and correct the role of colonization in the introduction and proliferation of invasive species and requisite destruction of our native ecologies?
3. Is there a way to break through the wall of misinformation about invasive species in popular discourse without further fragmenting the community of earth-loving people?
4. What is the role of white practitioners in confronting the toxicity and malpractice that exists in certain segments of ecological, agricultural, and medicinal practices?
5. How is the dominant language pertaining to invasive species culturally insensitive or deceptive, and how might that be remediated without sacrificing approaches that take the need for management and eradication seriously?
6. How do we clarify the discourse around the use of herbicides and pesticides in a world where companies like Monsanto have abused these chemicals in ways that have damaged our bodies and communities?
7. How does temporality figure into our understanding of invasive species management and conservation?
8. Should we look backward in an attempt to return nature to a former state, or do the demands of our natural world require us to reframe what symbiosis means for the development of future human society?
9. Should TEK be distinguished from “indigenous knowledges,” and at what point is the use of TEK appropriative?