Liquid error
  • Image of John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants
  • Image of John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants
  • Image of John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants
  • Image of John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants

In Disintegrants, John Harlan Norris, who exhibited with Institute 193 in 2017, continues his research on portraiture, here motivated by a sense of disembodiment that emerges out of mediated images, digital information, and virtual relationships. As portrait scholar Alba Campo Rosillo points out in her essay 'Metaportraits' included in the book, Norris' paintings “suggest the presence of selves but do not offer straightforward representations of individuals.” Norris assembles his abstracted compositions from human-made objects like sunglasses, gloves and portable speakers and tools associated with his craft, primarily stretcher bars, to make images that suggest identity as a composite of the signifiers with which we surround ourselves.

In addition to the paintings, Norris has recorded a full-length album meant to accompany the paintings, titled aptly, Disintegrants Soundtrack, which is included in the book as a CD and digital download.

John Harlan Norris: Disintegrants
Softcover, 9 x 12 in. / 62 pages / full color
Pub Date: 2019
Publisher: Institute 193
Design and production by Iota Books
ISBN: 978-1-7328482-1-4